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Information on BiPolar -
What has been suggested to a woman with BiPolar that is working.
She is 53 years old and has been on drugs since she was 19.  I don’t believe in taking drugs away from anyone “cold turkey”, however, they were taken from her “cold turkey” and the following were substituted.  Every thing is safe and the herbal supplements are recognized as food by the body - not chemicals like pharmaceutical drugs are so there are no side effects  (unless you are allergic to something which is rare)
Almost all the medications she was on had a negative effect on her liver so she has indigestion problems and her drugs made her heart “hurt” plus they gave her headaches and when she walked very far she would get cramps (charlie horses) in her legs.  She also had high blood pressure.
We have been able to eliminate all these symptoms with the following regimen.  

Sleep is the most important thing needed to avoid the manic episodes, so she is doing a number of things to make sure she sleeps. The cramps in her legs were keeping her from sleeping.  Not everything is necessary and dosages need to be adjusted according to needs.

    How to treat depression without resorting to prescription drugs
In "Turmeric for depression and more"(HSI) a member named Hank writes: "I found this to be very interesting. Apparently, turmeric extracts may have valuable applications for mood disorders as well as the many other documented benefits."

Turmeric is a spice that contains curcumin, which is an anti-inflammatory that's been shown to relieve pain.

"My 30 years worth of depression went away when I started having problems related to Crohn's disease. This seemed so illogical since when you are sick as a dog and wondering if you are going to live…it would seem that this would bring the depression on in spades.

"That never happened, and for about three years now I have not had any more episodes of this. I could go maybe three months before my Crohn's but never longer. I had a theory that maybe I killed a bacteria or virus that caused depression with my frequency treatments. This research on Turmeric seems to be a more solid explanation.

"When I started getting my Crohn's symptoms I also upped my dose of Ginger and Curcumin (extract of Turmeric) in the hopes of easing my symptoms and killing bad bacteria that I thought may be causing my symptoms. This coincides with the loss of my depression problems. A couple of months ago I switched to Turmeric in its natural form because it was supposedly a better form for killing bacteria. Just my experience. Seems to coincide with the Chinese research."

Jurplesman: "Crohns disease can be responsible for depression because it interferes with the absorption of nutritional forerunners of essential amino acids necessary in serotonin production. By improving symptoms of Crohns disease one may expect depression to improve."

Barbara: "I always thought that depression may be caused by an inflammatory process in the brain. This is part of the reason why fish oils sometimes help people with depression, so I might venture to guess that turmeric could help also."
2 Mind Tract by Christopher
2 Mind Tract by Christopher
2 Mind Tract by Christopher
1 Polarity Balance by Kroeger
1 Polarity Balance by Kroeger
1 Polarity Balance by Kroeger
2 Liver/Gall Bladder by
 Dr. Christopher
2 Liver/Gallbladder by
 Dr. Christopher
2 Liver/Gallbladder by
 Dr. Christopher
Liquid B-12 - 2 droppers
Liquid B-12 - 2 droppers
Liquid B-12 - 2 droppers
1 Niacin

1 Niacin
1 Zinc Relax-eze liq. 1 dropper full
(Could take 2 caps)
1 or 2 Tryptophan (sleep)
2 Blood Circulation (high BP)
by Dr. Christopher
2 Blood Circulation (high BP)
by Dr. Christopher
Relax-eze liq. 1 dropper full (Could take 2 caps)
Hawthorne Berry Heart Syrup ˝ tsp. by Christopher
Hawthorne Berry Heart Syrup ˝ tsp. by Christopher
CALM (magnesium)
(for cramps & relaxation)
Additional things to consider
Tranquility essential oil (smell it) carries it with her to use when ever she feels stressed.
Helpful essential oils to consider :

2 caps Magnesium/Potassium by NOW foods - (for cramps)
Happy Memories
Here & Now

Rescue Remedy Sleep-.  She is to take this when she wakes up in the night to help her go back to sleep

 Flower remedies of which Rescue Remedy is one are also great to help with emotional healing.     
Angel - Help ward off negative energy
Balance - help with spiritual & emotional harmony.
Inner Self - Stimulate memory response, reconnect with      inner-self, emotional balance
Additional natural sleep aids
Christopher’s - Slumber
Kroeger’s - Serenity
Essential Oil - Serenity
Nite Cap essential oil - especially with Valerian
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