. Link to information on sucralose - https://www.holisticmed.com/splenda/ Validity of "Scientific" studies link (This is basically true of all artificial sweetners - I just spent many hours with a friend of mine who is a diabetic and ate something with maltitol in it. - She said that the gas and diarrhea were worse than having a baby. She was afraid she was going to have to go to the hospital. My experience with it was that it is the only explanation of blood clots that I was getting. I stopped the maltitol and they quit. Several weeks later I ate another candy with it and had another blood clot. These artificial sweetners don't affect blood sugar (diabetics) like white sugar, however, is the substitute worse than the sugar???) Most of the artificial sweetners are actually Sugar Alcohols made from sugar. Aspartame is NOT a natural substance! People are hurting - According to the FDA's Adverse
Reaction Monitoring System, approximately 75 percent of
all complaints received about food additives are
aspartame related. That's right: 3 out of every 4! And
yet the FDA still refuses to acknowledge the evidence
that aspartame is essentially poison. (and yet they jump
on something as helpful as comfrey and other benign
herbs. ???? - There is a saying -"follow the money" ) I have always felt that artificial sweeteners were
bad for your health. I have read little articles
here and there, that stood to prove my ideas, but
never any with real back bone. I myself get very
sick with even a few sips of a drink that contains
artificial sweeteners. Please read this
article, I know it is long. And then pass it on
to anyone else you care about. WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE and the MULTIPLE
Actually, I was the writer of that post and I don't know how Nancy Markle's name got on it, unless she perhaps picked it up from www.dorway.com and put it on her web, and it was mistakenly thought to be her writing. I lectured for the World Environmental
Conference the end of l995. Actually it was
titled 2nd Annual World Environmental Conference -
KEEPERS OF THE ENVIRONMENT and was sponsored by the
EPA. It was Dr. Gaylord of the EPA who gave the
keynote address and said: " We have an epidemic
of MS and lupus and cannot identify the toxin." At
that point, I said: "I'm Betty Martini of
Mission Possible International Aspartame Disease mimics MS as it destroys the
central nervous system, and also triggers lupus.
If you warn the victim in time, usually the symptoms
of MS disappear. H. J. Roberts, M.D., world expert on aspartame, provided us with his position paper titled MS or Aspartame Disease? And you can read it on www.dorway.com I gave this to Dr. Gaylord at the conference along with other case histories of those diagnosed with MS who in reality was suffering from Aspartame Disease. Dr. Esposito was with me and he gave the closing address on RBGH. Dr. Roberts has now declared Aspartame to be a disease and world epidemic. He says its a disease because the symptoms and pattern are predictable. Many times when people tell me they are on aspartame I usually can tell them the symptoms they are experiencing. On www.dorway.com you will also see a case history on Alicia Morris. She was diagnosed by two physicians as having MS and was almost blind in one eye. She also was not able to conceive after being married for 3 years. Weeks after we got her off aspartame her MS symptoms disappeared, her vision was restored and her memory loss disappeared. She was also able to get pregnant and her story was published in First For Women over a couple of years ago with a picture of her and her healthy baby boy. She is one of the fortunate ones we got to in time. If someone has true MS you can imagine how swiftly their disease would become with consumption of a neurotoxin that destroys the central nervous system. Fortunately, Dr. Roberts has recently completed a medical text on aspartame disease and this should be available to the public in a few months. You can get his other books, publications and tapes by calling 1-800 814-9800. He also has written what I term a masterpiece titled Defense Against Alzheimers Disease. He explains when NutraSweet was first approved he noticed that his diabetic patients were getting confused, losing their memory and going blind. Dr. Roberts is a Board Certified and Recertified Internist. He has done 30 years research on Alzheimers and is a diabetic specialist. In this book he says it is his opinion that aspartame is escalating Alzheimers which has tripled , a 20th century disease. Some victims of aspartame have told me they had to write instructions on how to return home after leaving the house. Susan Laird, a hospice nurse in Colorado asked me why 30 year old consumers were being admitted with Alzheimers and so much of the young were being admitted with brain tumors. I explained to her that aspartame was triggering Alzheimers and that the phenylalanine in aspartame lowers the seizure threshold of the brain and depletes serotonin. It also breaks down into diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent and the rats in the original studies developed brain tumors. On www.dorway.com you can read the secret trade information discussed in Congress. It discusses psycho manipulation in getting aspartame approved and also discusses that they had to consider complete conversion to DKP and if they told the FDA they couldn't get it approved. The FDA did find out. In fact, a 12 year old child, Jennifer Cohen, did an experiment in school on Diet Coke. It was analyzed at a food laboratory. Some cans were put in a microwave, some stored in room temperature and some were in the fridge. The results showed that even aspartame in the fridge broke down into formaldehyde and DKP. It was published in the Food Chemical News at which point they were told by the FDA that they had known this all along. Jennifer is Robert Cohen's daughter. Bob is author of Milk: The Deadly Poison which also has to do with RBGH. Instead of wanting to do an experiment on milk Jennifer opted to analyze Diet Coke because her grandmother, a diabetic, almost lost her life on aspartame. Of interest is that I explained to Susan Laird that aspartame mimics MS, and she's a Diet Coke addict herself. She took a big gulp and said: "My doctor just recently told me he was thinking of making a diagnosis of MS. And I have six friends, the oldest 29, and they have all been diagnosed with MS and are all Diet Coke addicts." This gives you an idea of how rampant Aspartame Disease has become and why it is now epidemic in 100 countries of the world. Russell Blaylock, M.D., is author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills and his book discusses Aspartame and MSG. (1 800 -643-2665). In l995 I was on a neurological list with some physicians and there were several discussions about MS. Dr. Blaylock wrote me on 9/17/96 regarding aspartame's role in mimicking MS. Here are some excerpts from his letter: "Two things, (One that Dr. Roberts addresses) The syndrome associated with aspartame is one that mimics MS. We do not have any evidence that it causes MS. Second there is good reason to suspect that aspartame can exacerbate the symptoms of MS being that it contains at least two toxins: aspartate and methanol. We now know that exacerbation of MS symptoms is associated in most cases, by the activation of plague formation. And that around these plaques the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is disrupted. With elevated aspartate levels in the blood one can safely assume that the aspartate will enter the CNS at these points of damage to the BBB. The same is true of the excitotoxin monosodium glutamate. This could significantly worsen the symptoms of MS and even potentially produce new lesions at some distance from the opening in the BBB. (Explained in my book). There are many instances of impairment of the BBB in humans. For example, strokes, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, head injury, heat stroke, radiation treatments to the head, diabetes, subarachnoid hemorrhage, etc. In fact, there is evidence that the normal barrier to glutamate and aspartate is operational only for acute rises in these blood levels. Chronic, sustained levels can breach the barrier. I would urge all to read my book on the subject because I go through all the many effects of excitotoxins in the human condition. I personally believe that the public has been deceived by those who are in a position of public trust. The more we learn about these substances the more frightening the picture becomes. What really concerns me about aspartame is its association with brain tumors as well as pancreatic, uterine and ovarian tumors. Also, the fact that so many develop an Alzheimer's like syndrome with prolonged exposure. ...." Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. If you have audio you can listen to Dr. Blaylock on
was giving a lecture and explains that reactions to
aspartame are not allergic in nature but toxic like
from arsenic or cyanide. We also interviewed Dr.
Blaylock on Mission Possible Radio. On www.dorway.com you will find our warning flyer that is distributed throughout the world. Mission Possible is a worldwide volunteer force warning all consumers off this poison. There are Mission Possible operations in the United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, Holland, France, Mexico, Finland, and on and on. Also, there are many Mission Possible operations in the US. We do not sell anything and pay our own expenses. The reason the consumer public has to warn consumers is because those that are there to solve the problem ARE THE PROBLEM. The studies on aspartame were the target of an indictment for fraud that was not carried out when two U.S. Prosecutors went to work for the law firm defending the case. Quite a reward. In fact, U.S. Prosecutor Sam Skinner then became Secretary of Transportation and then Chief of Staff under President Bush. A former Monsanto attorney today is a Supreme Court Justice. Aspartame was originally marketed by Searle and Monsanto bought them l985. There have been three congressional hearings and Senator Howard Metzenbaum wrote a bill to put a moratorium on aspartame and have the National Institutes of Health do studies relating to the problems being seen in the population, seizures, how this drug interacts with other drugs, its effects on the fetus (Dr. Louis Elsas - Pediatric Professor at Emory University, Genetics, for over 30 years testified that aspartame is a neurotoxin and teratogen (triggers birth defects) ), behavioral problems, changing brain chemistry, etc. Aspartame changes the dopamine level of the brain - you can imagine its effects on those with Parkinson's Disease (and aspartame can trigger this too). The bill never got out of committee due to heavy Monsanto lobbying. You can see the bill on www.dorway.com Aspartame is a literal chemical poison. It is estimated that 5 out of 7 using aspartame already have some of the 92 symptoms on the FDA report (read it on www.dorway.com) or some disease triggered by aspartame. In a nutshell - aspartame destroys the central nervous system, the brain and the optic nerve and ravages every organ in the body. Focus Magazine in October published an article titled WHATS BLINDING THE WORLD? on aspartame. You can read it on their web site. In l986 the Community Nutrition Institute petitioned the FDA to ban aspartame because consumers were going blind. They ignored it due to their loyalty to Monsanto. Interesting information on this can be read on the transcript or listened to by audio of the interview with James Turner, Attorney in Washington, D.C., who filed the first two cases on aspartame years ago. The cover up of this neurotoxin is incredible. On www.dorway.com you will even see a notarized statement from a translator who with the help of a physician, Dr. Ortega, translated studies on aspartame in South America. This study on humans only lasted about l8 months and yet people were dropping out of the study with brain tumors, seizures and other neurological horrors. Two people died under mysterious circumstances which they could get away with, according to the translator, in these countries. With the outcry of consumers about the problems of
aspartame, the CDC was asked to do an investigation of
these complaints. It is considered one of the
most damning reports on aspartame exposing cardiac
arrest, mood alteration, seizures, liver problems and
DEATH. The CDC is part of the Department of
Health and Human Resources like the FDA, and they
covered up this investigation I believe to protect the
FDA . When the FDA The CDC had a Dr. Trowbridge add an executive summary to the investigation contradicting the report. When Dr. Satcher still headed the CDC (now Surgeon General), I told him if he did not remove the phony summary and replace it with the true facts of the investigation, I would put the entire 146 pages on web for the whole world to see. He didn't and I did. Read on it on www.dorway.com You will also see the Bressler Report, the FDA's own audit on aspartame. This is even enough to give monsanto indigestion. There are some studies that were done by independent
researchers, and not part of the original ones
financed by the manufacturer. Dr. Ralph Walton
discussed on 60 Minutes that of the 90
independent studies done on aspartame, 83 showed
problems. And 6 of those had to do with the FDA
so you can throw them out. Dr. Ralph Walton did
a study on aspartame. But Monsanto refused to
sell him the aspartame - they knew what would be Some women have told me they have lost as many as seven babies on aspartame. Aspartame has been outlawed in the European Union for use by infants and small children. You will notice in Dr. Blaylock's interview that he says aspartame can even trigger ADD. And Dr. Roberts says for industry to push aspartame in groups like pregnant women is absolutely obscene. If you think it can't get worse it continues in that direction. In 1996 Dr. Kessler of the FDA gave blanket approval to aspartame so it could be used like sugar. And yet, you will notice on the secret trade information even the original manufacturers said aspartame could not be used for everything. At 86 degrees aspartame breaks down into a witches brew of toxins, and yet years after the FDA said it could not be heated they approved it for baking in l993. To make matters worse, Monsanto is now trying to get a new sweetener approved, Neotame, which is a more potent aspartame. Dr. James Bowen told the FDA in the 80's that aspartame is mass poisoning the American public and more than 70 countries of the world. He ought to know - he was one of their victims. In Dr. Roberts book Aspartame (NutraSweet) Is It
Safe? , on page 243. he shows how far the manufacturer
went to cover up the studies on this toxin. In a
chapter titled "Myth of "The Most Thoroughly
Tested Additive in History", and under
shortcomings he says: A brief translation - THEY ACTUALLY SWORE THE
PATHOLOGISTS TO SILENCE! I mentioned that the rats developed brain tumors and you can read Dr. Gross' letters to Senator Metzenbaum outlining the brain tumors on www.dorway.com. Rats fed aspartame that broke down to a tumor agent - developed brain tumors. In l996 world famed researcher, Dr. John Olney, who founded the field of neuroscience called Excitotoxicity made world news about the association of aspartame and brain tumors in the population. The FDA, Dr. Michael Friedman, actually went on TV siding with the manufacturer, Monsanto. Yet, they themselves had kept aspartame off the market for 16 years because of this issue. And Mission Possible takes the case histories of those today addicted to this poison developing brain tumors. Dr. Roberts is soon to publish or maybe already has published a paper on aspartame and addiction. I hope you will print out the warning flyer on aspartame on www.dorway.com and help to warn others through your organization. And if you need further information get back in touch and I'll be happy to supply more information. Sincerely, I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD
When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees
F, the wood alcohol in ASPARTAME coverts to
formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn
causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the poison
found in the sting of fire ants.) The In the case of systemic lupus, we are finding it has
become almost as rampant as multiple sclerosis,
especially Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers. Also,
with methanol toxicity, the victims usually drink
three to four 12 oz. cans of them per day, some even
more. In the cases of systemic lupus, which is
triggered by ASPARTAME, the victim When we get people off the aspartame, those with
systemic lupus usually become asymptomatic.
Unfortunately, we cannot reverse this disease. On the
other hand, in the case of those diagnosed with
Multiple Sclerosis, (when in reality, the disease is
methanol toxicity), most of the symptoms disappear. We
have seen cases where their vision has returned and
even their hearing has returned. This also applies to
cases of tinnitus. During a lecture I said "If you are
using ASPARTAME (NutraSweet, Equal, People were jumping up during the lecture saying,
"I've got this, is it reversible?" It is rampant. Some
of the speakers at my lecture even were suffering from
these symptoms. In one lecture attended by the
Ambassador of Uganda, he told us that their At the time of this first hearing, people were going
blind. The methanol in the aspartame converts to
formaldehyde in the retina of the eye. Formaldehyde is
grouped in the same class of drugs as cyanide and
arsenic -- DEADLY POISONS!!! Aspartame changes the brain's chemistry. It is the reason for severe seizures. This drug changes the dopamine level in the brain. Imagine what this drug does to patients suffering from Parkinson's Disease. This drug also causes Birth Defects. There is absolutely no reason to take this product. It is NOT A DIET PRODUCT!!! The Congressional record said, "It makes you crave carbohydrates and will make you FAT". Dr. Roberts stated that when he got patients off aspartame, their average weight loss was 19 pounds per person. The formaldehyde stores in the fat cells, particularly in the hips and thighs. Aspartame is especially deadly for diabetics. All physicians know what wood alcohol will do to a diabetic. We find that physicians believe that they have patients with retinopathy, when in fact, it is caused by the aspartame. The aspartame keeps the blood sugar level out of control, causing many patients to go into a coma. Unfortunately, many have died. People were telling us at the Conference of the American College of Physicians, that they had relatives that switched from saccharin to an aspartame product and how that relative had eventually gone into a coma. Their physicians could not get the blood sugar levels under control. Thus, the patients suffered acute memory loss and eventually coma and death. Memory loss is due to the fact that aspartic acid
and phenylalanine are neurotoxic without the
other amino acids found in protein. Thus it goes past
the blood brain barrier and deteriorates the neurons
of the brain. Dr.Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon, said,
"The ingredients stimulates the neurons of the brain
to death, causing brain damage of varying
degrees. Dr. Blaylock has written a book
entitled EXCITOTOXINS: According to the Conference of the American College of Physicians, 'We are talking about a plague of neurological diseases caused by this deadly poison". Dr. Roberts realized what was happening when
aspartame was first marketed. He said "his diabetic
patients presented memory loss, confusion, and severe
vision loss". At the Just before the Conference, I received a FAX from
Norway, asking for a possible antidote for this poison
because they are experiencing so many problems in
their country. This poison is now available in 90 PLUS
countries worldwide. Fortunately, I assure you that MONSANTO, the creator of
aspartame, knows how deadly it is. They fund the
American Diabetes Association, American Dietetic
Association, Congress, and Therefore, they cannot criticize any additives or
tell about their link to MONSANTO. How bad is
this? We told a mother who had a child on
NutraSweet to get off the We are still trying to convince the mother that the
aspartame is causing the seizures. Every time we get
someone off of aspartame, the seizures stop. If the
baby dies, you know whose fault it is, and what we are
up against. There are 92 documented symptoms of
aspartame, from coma to death. The majority of them
are all neurological, Aspartame Disease is partially the cause to what is
behind some of the mystery of the Desert Storm health
problems. The burning tongue and other problems
discussed in over 60 cases can be directly related to
the consumption of an aspartame product. Several
thousand pallets of diet drinks were shipped to the
Desert Storm troops. (Remember heat can liberate the
methanol from the aspartame at 86 degrees F). All of their symptoms are identical to aspartame
poisoning. Dr. Roberts says "consuming aspartame
at the time of conception can cause birth defects".
The phenylalanine concentrates in the placenta,
causing mental retardation, according to Dr. Louis
Elsas, Pediatrician Professor - Genetics, at Emory
University in his In the original lab tests, animals developed brain
tumors (phenylalanine breaks down into DXP, a brain
tumor agent). When Dr. Espisto was lecturing on
aspartame me, one Stevia, a sweet food, NOT AN ADDITIVE, which helps in the metabolism of sugar, which would be ideal for diabetics, has now been approved as a dietary supplement by the F.D.A. For years, the F.D.A. has outlawed this sweet food because of their loyalty to MONSANTO. If it says "SUGAR FREE" on the label -- DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!l! Senator Howard Hetzenbaum wrote a bill that would
have warned all infants, pregnant mothers and children
of the dangers of aspartame. The bill would have also
instituted There are a lot of people out there who must be
warned, please let them know this information. This
could be considered life saving information for some
of you and
A change is coming. You can stop sweetening with questionable aspartame and other artificial sweetners and instead start supplementing with safe, easy-to-use Stevia. For those who want to be prepared for anything - this site is more interested in helping you than trying to see how much money they can make off of you. ............ |