Don't leave out God and prayer - the 2 most
important ingredients in any situation.
While you are praying or after praying don't forget
to LISTEN for the answers! They will come.
click here -
to view the studies showing the scientific proof that
prayer works.
Allergy Triggers
A Chocolate bar
can bring on classic allergy symptoms.
fluctuations such as temperature, air
pressure and humidity changes can bring on
allergy symptoms. This is also a common reason
for sinus pain, pressure and headaches, which
are often treated as if you had a sinus
Have you ever been so stressed out that you started
sneezing? It happens. Stress induces a
physiological reaction of certain chemicals
including histamines, which lead to allergy
symptoms. And although stress doesn't actually
cause allergies per se, research shows it can
make allergy symptoms much worse: immediately
and even the next day.
Symptoms can include watery eyes, sneezing,
runny nose and even difficulty breathing. This
is due to an extra-sensitive nervous system in
your nose that overreacts to certain stimulants
like colones or perfumes.
The sun can bring on painful rashes and
hive-like bumps. It’s a condition commonly
called a “sun allergy,” but its true name is
photosensitivity. This occurs when the body’s
immune system overreacts to sunlight exposure.
The sun causes a reaction in the skin which
changes the protein component of the skin,
producing an inflammatory cell reaction which
releases histamine. Chemicals in lotions,
perfumes or oral medications (like antibiotics
or diuretics) may also prompt the allergic
Nasal Rinse
Basically all you’re doing is flushing out your
sinuses with a saltwater solution, which can
help wash away allergens and irritants. To do
it, grab a Neti Pot or a large squeeze bottle
and fill it with a premixed packet of saline
solution (available at drugstores) or make your
own solution. To mix it yourself, combine 1
quart of distilled or boiled (then cooled)
water; 2 to 3 tsp non-iodized salt (kosher,
pickling, canning or sea salt); and 1 tsp baking
soda. Put about 8 oz at a time in the Neti Pot
or squeeze bottle and tilt your head forward
over the sink while you pour/squeeze the
solution in one nostril and let it drain out the
other. You could try; to pant like a
puppy, which lifts the palate and closes off the
back of the nose so you don’t get that drowning
When it’s still a little cool at night and
indoor humidity is low, using a cool-mist
humidifier can help get allergens out of the
air. Water droplets bind to the allergens, and
they get heavy and fall to the floor so you
don’t inhale them. Can also add apple
cider vinegar and essential oils for greater
Using a HEPA filter—especially in the bedroom—is
the best way to remove spores and pollen from
the air.
Steam Inhalation
Congested? Try inhaling the steam of essential
oils here is a good recipe: Fill a saucepan with
water and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat,
take the pan off the stovetop and add:
2 drops myrtle
essential oil
3 drops rosemary
essential oil
3 drops eucalyptus
essential oil
2 drops tea
tree essential oil
Tent a bath towel over the saucepan (keep your
face just far enough away from the steam to
avoid burns) and inhale deeply for 5 to 10
minutes. Repeat 1 to 3 times a day.
Local Honey
Honey produced closest to where you live works
best. The bees eat the pollen then they produce
the honey and you consume that, so it’s kind of
like a mini allergy shot. It is also best
if the beekeeper leaves enough honey in the hive
for the bees to overwinter instead of taking all
the honey and leaving sugar water. It
weakens the hive.
Free Range Goat
When goats are free ranged they will eat most of
the plants that cause the allergies and we get
the benefits from their milk. Goats that
are fed alfalfa only don't have these benefits.
This substance, which is found in the skin of
onions and apples, is a natural antihistamine.
You can take it by itself (300 mg 3 times a day
during peak allergy season without food),
(from pineapple; also beneficial for allergies).
Fighters which contains quercetin, Vitamin
B-6, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C. All these
supplements are relatively safe, but check with
your doctor first to make sure they don’t
interact with other medications you’re taking
(antidepressants and thyroid meds in particular
may cause a problem).
This herb, found in many of the combo allergy
products noted above, can also be taken by
itself in tea form, Nettle
Leaf Tea. To make sure you get
enough of the medicinal oils, pour boiling water
over the tea bag and cover the cup for 15
minutes to let the oils seep in before drinking.
Homeopathy uses very diluted amounts of herb and
flower essences. Try two homeopathic remedies
(taken orally; you let the tiny tablets dissolve
under your tongue) for allergies: Allergy
Fighters which is especially good for
burning, itchy eyes.
Although it’s not exactly clear why, acupuncture
may help alleviate allergy symptoms—especially
if you start treatment about a month before peak
season. It’s possible that stimulating some of
the meridians (channels through which energy
flows) may help to temper an overactive immune
system that can lead to bad allergy symptoms.
Best Air-Purifying Plants
Whether it’s old
or new, your home could be harboring
unhealthy (and invisible) toxins. These
chemical compounds, which can adversely
affect health, are found in emissions from
paint, plastics, carpet, cleaning solutions,
and numerous building materials. Three major
offenders found in the home include:
- Formaldehyde (carpet, upholstery, glues,
paint, and more)
- Benzene (plastics, synthetic fibers,
lubricants, rubber, pesticides, and more)
- Trichloroethylene (paint removers, rug
cleaning solution, adhesives, and more)
Lucky for us,
nature has a way of keeping itself clean.
There are many powerful air-cleaning plants
— Boston fern, English ivy, spider plant,
rubber plant, and several palms — that
naturally remove the above pollutants from
the air, as well as other common indoor
toxin such as xylene, toluene, ammonia,
acetone, and more. We picked five of our
favorites and offer tips on how to keep them
in top working condition.
foot house, bring in 15 to 20 plants in 6-inch
pots or larger. Rather than scattering single
plants, create group displays in each room for
a great look and maximum air quality. Adjust
accordingly for larger or smaller homes.
Before purchasing, ask about which plants, if
ingested, could be harmful to pets. |
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
science class taught us that plants
naturally convert carbon dioxide into
oxygen. But, as NASA and the Associated
Landscape Contractors of America discovered
in the 1980s, peace lilies also absorb
benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene,
and more. To maximize the plant's
air-cleansing potential, keep the foliage
dust-free. Pristine white blooms are a bonus
with this efficient plant.
peace lily thrives in both low and bright
light. Keep the soil slightly moist and feed
monthly during spring and summer with an
all-purpose liquid fertilizer. Low light
conditions inhibit flower production.
ammonia, and more
This large group
of houseplants offers selections in all
shapes, sizes, and colors. The tall corn
plant (D. fragrans 'Massangeana')
looks at home in a corner, while the
colorful striped leaves of 'Lemon Lime' (D.
deremensis 'Lemon Lime'), pictured
above, and the day-glow 'Limelight' (D.
deremensis 'Limelight') brighten up a
dark spot. These selections flourish in low
light, while the Madagascar Dragon Tree (D.
marginata) prefers bright light.
a dracaena for every light situation. Keep
the soil damp but not soggy. A pot sitting
in a water-filled saucer is the kiss of
death. Feed your plant monthly during spring
and summer with an all-purpose liquid
Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum
flowering houseplants have air-purifying
properties. While anthurium and orchids do a
good job, the florist’s chrysanthemum
(commonly call a "mum") is one of the best.
Technically not a houseplant, this seasonal
beauty flowers for about six weeks with
proper care. When it is spent, toss it in
the compost pile and treat yourself to
another fresh pot.
the chrysanthemum in bright, indirect light.
Check the soil’s moisture every other day,
and keep it damp. Don’t bother with
fertilizer, as it is not going to re-bloom.
formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, ammonia
Palm (Chamaedorea
Easy elegance
best describes this sturdy palm. It grows
between 3 and 6 feet tall and also
transpires a healthy bit of moisture into a
room, making it particularly welcome in dry
winter months. Of all the palms, this plant
is most resistant to spider mites. To help
it avoid this prevalent pest, locate it
where air circulates freely around it.
this palm requires bright light to flourish,
do not place it in direct sunlight. Keep the
soil moist, and feed your plant monthly
during summer with an all-purpose liquid
fertilizer. An occasional misting helps
deter mites.
xylene, chloroform, and more
Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
indestructible, golden pothos consistently
grows in high gear and is considered one of
the most effective indoor purifiers of the
plant world. Show it off in a hanging
basket, or place in small 6-inch pots at the
base of a tall indoor tree (such as the
Dracaena corn plant) to cascade over the
pot’s edge. The newest selection, ‘Neon,’
boasts brilliant, glowing foliage.
pothos grows in any light situation except
direct sunlight. Water it when the soil
becomes dry to the touch. Feed monthly with
an all-purpose liquid plant food and trim
long tendrils when the plant becomes too
carbon monoxide, and more
Did You
Reason to diffuse essential oils instead of
chemicals into homes
In homes where air fresheners were used daily,
mothers averaged nearly 10 percent more frequent
headaches than mothers in homes where air
fresheners were used once a week or less
In the "daily" homes, mothers had more than 25
percent higher risk of depression compared to
mothers in the "once a week" homes
In the "daily" homes, infants were 32 percent
more likely to suffer from diarrhea
Infants in the "daily" homes had significantly
more earaches than infants in "once a week" homes
In their published study in the Archives of
Environmental Health, the researchers noted that
the daily use of air fresheners and other aerosol
products created a gradual accumulation of VOCs.
And while the study focused on mothers and
infants, the researchers believe that VOCs may
cause similar reactions for anyone who spends a
significant amount of time at home, such as
Symptoms of Mothers and Infants Related
to Total Volatile Organic Compounds in Household
Products" Archives of Environmental Health, Vol.
58, No. 18, October 2003,
"Air Fresheners Can Make Mothers and
Babies Ill" Press Release, University of
Bristol, October 2003,
"Volatile Organic Compounds and Pulmonary
Function in the Third National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994"
Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 114, No.
8, August 2006,
5 Easy Ways to Keep Your Brain
Sharp |
The brain remembers better when it’s relaxed,
so take a few minutes each day to breathe
deeply or meditate. The positive of meditation
is you have focused concentration and
relaxation taking place at the same time.
Researchers believe those things are good
because they're developing new connections for
your brain cells.
on the Future
People who regularly made plans and looked
forward to upcoming events had a 50 percent
reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease, according
to a recent study. Something as simple as
setting a goal to have a weekly coffee date
with a friend (and keeping it) will do.
Psychologically it keeps us motivated. There's
evidence that people who have a purpose in
life or who are working on long-or short-term
goals appear to do better.
for a Walk
Mildly elevated glucose levels (even if you
don’t have diabetes) can harm the area of the
brain that helps you form memories. Experts
agree that physical activity can help get
blood glucose down to normal levels. In fact,
the strongest evidence is regarding the effect
of physical activity on the brain. When you
exercise, you release chemicals that are good
for your brain. It's like a mini fountain of
youth in your brain, and the only way you can
get it is exercise.
Snack on Berries
Blueberries have compounds called anthocyanins
that help communication between brain cells
and appear to improve memory. The darker the
fruit or vegetable, the better.
Take a Spanish class online, join a knitting
club, or learn to play scrabble, etc.
Mental stimulation limits the debilitating
effects of aging on memory and the mind. But
the best thing for your brain, is when
you combine learning something new with
physical activity. It should be something like
dancing, or coaching a sport. Or go learn golf
with your girlfriends. That sort of thing is
even better for your brain than, say, a
crossword puzzle. |
Dr. Christopher's 3
keys to health.
1. Cleanse:
The body is like a river which should flow
freely. Dr. Christopher believed that all
forms of disease came from some type of
blockage. He taught that healing began
with cleansing the body first.
2. Nourish:
Once the body is cleansed it will be able to
absorb the nutrients found in whole foods and
herbs. Dr. Christopher's nourishing herbal
formulas help provide necessary daily
supplements which are lacking in the average
American diet.
3. So you can Heal: Dr. Christopher
taught that the body will heal itself once it is
cleansed and nourished properly. Their
formulas were made with you in mind.
For those of you who don't know who and what Dr.
Christopher is about click on this link.
He was a man of true Christ like love and courage
Link to how we know the
quality of our oils.
Don't forget prayer and listen to
your body as you take anything. Remember that
even doctors are only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
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